• Mud, Mud, Glorious Mud…

    Let a child loose in a natural setting and you can guarantee they will head straight for the mud…and if they can’t find it, they will make it…

    Muddy hands and dusty knees are all the badges of a great time with Mother Nature, but there are a lot more benefits to kids who want to get down & dirty than just messy play. When we think mud, we think dirt and dirt = germs. Right?


    Mud play can actually be beneficial for our children, from helping with gut health to building a strong immune system. It is also great for developing tactile & sensory skills, creativity and problem solving. Yep, I can imagine the open mouth gasps of “you are having a laugh aren’t you” right now.

    Some Facts…

    Studies show that exposure to dirt, mud and yes germs in early childhood is a good thing. The Mayo Clinic states “It turns out that early exposure to the dirtier stuff in life — things like “bacteria and other microbes” — can actually be “crucial to our health.” That’s because “beneficial microbiota helps build immunity in babies and children, and has a role in preventing allergies, asthma, obesity and other non-infectious conditions,”

    With regard to gut health, a study carried out in Finland discovered that children who played in close proximity to soil and vegetation had more types of good gut bacteria as opposed to those little ones playing in enclosed areas with little natural space.

    In my experience, the kids at Forest School tend to make a beeline for the muddy activities. The mud kitchen is always a favourite and is often crowded with budding chefs who are making a feast of mud pies to be enjoyed around the camp fire. These activities aren’t unique to Forest School though. Leave a child in the garden with some soil and a watering can – see what happens 🙂

    When a child plays in mud, it helps them to directly interact with nature…

    In addition, mud play allows them to use their tactile and sensory skills as they squish the mud through their fingers, or realise they can slip and slide to their hearts content, basking like a hippo. Mud play has also been proven to help children play independently but also assists them in developing communication, team building and problem solving skills with their peers.

    Muddy Tips…

    Whilst we have seen that playing in the mud is beneficial for our children and muddy faces are encouraged, we aren’t suggesting that children go out and have free rein to shovel a shed load of mud into their mouths. So, keep an eye on smaller children.

    Not every child enjoys the feel of mud and may become upset at getting dirty, so always be led by them and accommodate the need of the child who doesn’t relish the idea of squelching through the mud.

    Encourage fun and play but discourage mud fights. They aren’t enjoyed by all and can easily get out of hand.

    Always ensure the children are dressed for muddy play. There will only be tears if their favourite unicorn jumper or football kit gets caked with the mucky stuff.

    Always have some kitchen pots and pans handy. Kids love using utensils to prepare their mud feasts. For those little adventurers who see the mud pile as something to explore, ensure they have some plastic animals or dumper truck, cars etc. to help them make their own Jurassic park.


    Mud is great fun!! It’s messy and it’s great. Also as another bonus it’s easily accessible and doesn’t cost a penny. Get your wellies on and join your little ones basking in the glorious mud!